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  • 企业名:宁波市品悦通信设备有限公司


    电话: 0574-63618503



    QQ: QQ:474665107




品悦通信作为浙江省优先的通信设备产品ODF光纤配线架巨头,在通信设备行业领域有着不可撼动的地位。品悦通信每一年推出的通信设备产品都引领着整个行业的走势,从早的ODF光纤配线架、嵌入式光纤分纤箱、SMC光缆交接箱、多功能网络机柜到全新ODF光纤配线架无不验证了这一点。2016年,品悦通信带来全新ODF光纤配线架,通过长时间的深度体验,这款产品以完美的表现证明品悦通信作为通信设备产品优质品牌的意义,这是毫无疑问。 宁波品悦通信作为浙江省的通信设备产品品牌之一,品悦通信ODF光纤配线架历年来都会吸引大量的销售商客户,ODF光纤配线架作为吸引人的科技展品,ODF光纤配线架一直都是展台中吸引人的主角。作为通信设备行业的开年大戏,众多通信设备厂商纷纷亮出看家本领,宁波品悦通信带来了新一代ODF光纤配线架让我们眼前一亮。现为您详细介绍此款产品! 【宁波品悦通信设备有限公司】品悦连接世界!信息沟通心灵! : 传真: 手机: 07 Q – 微信: 什么是ODF光纤配线架?如何选择合适的配线架? ODF光纤配线架是用来容纳光纤和进行光纤活动转接的部件,它的作用主要用于固定和收纳光纤、端接光纤和安装光纤耦合器,同时也可以保护光纤的接头,防止其被损害,总体来说是一个保护装置。 市面上ODF光纤配线架也和很多产品一样,他们有共同的特征也有不同的点,不同的形状不同的规格。每个制造商都偶着各自独特的样式和主要特征。所以当我们在选择光纤配线架的时候,我们首先要考虑的因素是安装在墙上的还是机架上,是用于水平式系统、主干网还是集中式布线? ODF光纤配线架一般情况下是安装在配线柜内,对于小型安装可能也会直接安装在墙壁上。如果配线架是用于水平式系统,它的密度相对来说就会比较高,集中式光纤综合布线技术能在建筑物内形成主干或者水平通道,然后使用从工作区抽拉、互联或者拼接到中心分配器的光缆就能产生这种通道。当用于水平系统或者集中布线时, 光纤可以是双模光纤或者四模光纤电缆。主干光纤可以是多模、单模或者混合光纤,而这些通常使用连接器来对网络硬件进行补充。 进入配线架内的光纤的数量和尺寸要考虑进入配线架内的光纤数量和尺寸,以保证产生足够量大小合适的孔来容纳光缆密封管。如果使用小型封装(SFF)连接器,1U的配线架就能容纳多24个双工连接器或48个光纤束。那么该如何选择合适的配线架?我们需要考虑什么问题? 首先需要考虑的是光缆余留量:应当保留一定量的光缆以保证在配线架底盘上产生纤维强度的膜。这样就能防止光纤被扯出配线架,同时避免电缆承受过高的应力。 其次是其保护性能:光纤配线架应当为连接器提供足够的保护以防止偶然接触。 是其适用性:光纤配线架应当能够允许除去现有的连接器并添加新的连接器或光纤,它也必须能够存储并识别来自水平或主干电缆中的非连接器光纤。 ODF光纤配线架的基本特点和作用 光纤配线架的作用: 光纤配线架是光传输系统中一个重要的配套设备,它主要用于光缆终端的光纤熔接、光连接器安装、光路的调接、多余尾纤的存储及光缆的保护等,它对于光纤通信网络安全运行和灵活使用有着重要的作用。过去10多年里,光通信建设中使用的光缆通常为几芯至几十芯,光纤配线架的容量一般都在100芯以下,这些光纤配线架越来越表现出尾纤存储容量较小、调配连接操作不便、功能较少、结构简单等缺点。现在光通信已经在长途干线和本地网中继传输中得到广泛应用,光纤化也已成为接入网的发展方向。各地在新的光纤网建设中,都尽量选用大芯数光缆,这样就对光纤配线架的容量、功能和结构等提出了更高的要求。光纤配线架的特点,近年来,在光通信建设的实际工作中,通过对几种产品的使用比较,我们认为光纤配线架的选型应重点考虑以下几个方面。 (1)纤芯容量一个光纤配线架应该能使局内的芯数的光缆完整架,在可能的情况下,可将相互联系比较多的几条光缆上在一个架中,以方便光路调配。同时配线架容量应与通用光缆芯数系列相对应,这样在使用时可减少或避免由于搭配不当而造成光纤配线架容量浪费。 (2)功能种类,光纤配线架作为光缆线路的终端设备应具有4项基本功能。①固定功能光缆进入机架后,对其外护套和加强芯要进行机械固定,加装地线保护部件,进行端头保护处理,并对光纤进行分组和保护。②容接功能光缆中引出的光纤与尾缆熔接后,将多余的光纤进行盘绕储存,并对熔接接头进行保护。③调配功能将尾缆上连带的连接器插接到适配器上,与适配器另一侧的光连接器实现光路对接。适配器与连接器应能够灵活插、拔;光路可进行自由调配和测试。④存储功能为机架之间各种交叉连接的光连接线提供存储,使它们能够规则整齐地放置。配线架内应有适当的空间和方式,使这部分光连接线走线清晰,调整方便,并能满足弯曲半径的要求。 英文介绍: Basic features and functions of the 432 core optical fiber distribution frame Fiber distribution frame, optical fiber distribution frame is optical transmission system in an important corollary equipment. It is mainly used for cable terminal fused fiber, optical connector, optical pick, excess pigtail storage and optical cable protection, it for full operation and flexible use of optical fiber communication network has a important role. Over the past 10 years, used in optical communication and construction of cable is usually tens to a few core core, optical fiber distribution frame capacity generally below 100 core, these fiber distribution frame more and more pigtail small storage capacity, the deployment of connected to the disadvantages of inconvenient operation, less functional, simple structure and so on. Optical communication has been widely used in trunk and local network trunk transmission, and the fiber has become the development direction of the access network. Throughout the construction of new optical fiber network, are as far as possible the use of a large number of fiber optic cable, so as to the optical fiber distribution frame capacity, function and structure, and put forward higher requirements. The characteristics of the optical fiber distribution frame, in recent years, in the light of the actual work of communication construction, through the use of several products, we believe that the selection of optical fiber distribution frame should focus on the following aspects. (1) the core capacity of a fiber distribution frame should be the bureau the maximum core number of optical cable complete frame, where possible, will contact each other more several cable in a frame, to facilitate optical path allocation. At the same time, the distribution frame capacity should be relative to the number of common optical cable core, so that the capacity of the fiber distribution frame can be reduced or avoided because of improper collocation. (2) the functional category, the optical fiber distribution frame as the terminal equipment of the optical cable line should have 4 basic functions. After the fixed function optical cable enters the frame, the outer sheath and the strengthening core are mechanically fixed, and the ground wire protection component is additionally arranged, and the end head protection processing is carried out. II receiving optical cable function leads to the fiber and the tail cable melting connection, excess fiber wound around storage, and on the weld joint protection. The deployment of functions will be the end of the cable joint of the connector to the adapter, and optical connector adapter on the other side of the realization of optical docking. Adapter and connector should be flexible to insert and pull out, and the light path can be freely deployed and tested. The storage rack between various cross connect optical connection line to provide storage, so that they can rule neatly placed. The distribution frame should have the appropriate space and way, so that this part of the optical cable line is clear, easy to adjust, and can meet the requirements of the minimum bending radius.




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