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LMH6642MF/NOPB Texas Instruments 运算放大器 - 运放 Sgl 3V 130Mhz,R-R Out Amp

LMH6642MF/NOPB Texas Instruments 运算放大器 - 运放 Sgl 3V 130Mhz,R-R Out Amp
LMH6642MF/NOPB Texas Instruments 运算放大器 - 运放 Sgl 3V 130Mhz,R-R Out Amp
金牌会员 第 12
  • 企业名:深圳市中立信电子科技有限公司


    电话: 0755-23956688



    QQ: QQ:2270672799QQ:1812424673



商品信息 更新时间:2018-08-30

1 Features 3 Description

1(V The LMH664X family true single supply voltage S = ±5 V, TA = 25°C, RL = 2 kΩ, AV = +1.

Typical Values Unless Specified). feedback amplifiers offer high speed (130 MHz), low

distortion (−62 dBc), and exceptionally high output

• −3 dB BW (AV = +1) 130 MHz current (approximately 75 mA) at low cost and with

• Supply Voltage Range 2.7 V to 12.8 V reduced power consumption when compared against

existing devices with similar performance. • Slew Rate, (AV = −1) 130V/μs


• Supply Current (no load) 2.7 mA/amp Input common mode voltage range extends to 0.5 V

below V

− and 1 V from V


. Output voltage range • Output Short Circuit Current +115 mA to 145 mA

extends to within 40 mV of either supply rail, allowing

• Linear Output Current ±75 mA wide dynamic range especially desirable in low

• Input Common Mode Volt. 0.5 V Beyond V

, 1 V voltage applications. The output stage is capable of

from V


approximately 75 mA in order to drive heavy loads.

• Output Voltage Swing 40 mV from Rails Fast output Slew Rate (130 V/μs) ensures large

peak-to-peak output swings can be maintained even

• Input Voltage Noise (100 kHz) 17nV/√Hz at higher speeds, resulting in exceptional full power

• Input Current Noise (100 kHz) 0.9pA/√Hz bandwidth of 40 MHz with a 3 V supply. These

• THD (5MHz, R characteristics, along with low cost, are ideal features L = 2kΩ, VO = 2VPP, AV = +2) −62

dBc for a multit
2 Applications • Active Filters Closed Loop Gain vs. Frequency for Various Supplies • CD/DVD ROM • ADC Buffer Amp • Portable Video • Current Sense Buffer




电话: 0755-23956688



QQ: QQ:2270672799QQ:1812424673




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