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  • 企业名:南京纳特通信


    电话: 025-82032080





产品备注: 是移动通信中用于对接收信号进行增强的设备.
产品类别: 微波放大器 → 塔顶放大器
塔顶放大器是移动通信中用于对接收信号进行增强的设备. 塔顶放大器靠近天线安装,有两个外部 接口, 一个接口与天线连接, 另一个接口与基站连接, 与基站连接的接头同时提供塔顶放大器所需的直流电源.

In the communication system, the TMA can be used to enhance coverage and improve up-link signal quality. The TMA is set close the antenna. There are two RF connectors on TMA. One is the connector to antenna, the other is to BTS. The connector that connect to BTS also provide the DC supply for TMA by bias tee.
型号 Model       发射通带 TX P* Band        接收通带  RX P*Band                        
NTTMA900_01         935 – 960 MHz                890 – 915 MHz
一般技术指标 General Performance

1.1 *性 Reliability:  MTBF(平均无故障工作时间) > 1000,000小时 (Hours).

1.2 工作环境温度 Working Temperature: -40 ºC ~ +65ºC

1.3 储存环境温度 Storage Temperature: -40 ºC ~ +75ºC

1.4 湿度范围 Humidity: 相对湿度Relative Humidity 5 ~ 95%

1.5 海拔范围 Altitude Range: 0 ~ 3050M(10000feet)

1.6 浪涌和雷击保护 Surge Protection:  8/20us, 20KA

1.7 环境适应性Environment : 满足IP68 ETS 300 019的相关要求. Meet IP68 and ETS 300 019 relative requirements

1.8 电磁兼容(EMC): 满足ETS 300 342-3要求. Meet ETS 300 342-3 requirement.

电气技术指标 Electrical Performance

 除非*说明, 在整个工作温度范围-40 ºC ~ +65ºC, 下面所列的电气指标均满足规范.

Unless stated otherwise, all the following parameters are guaranteed in the ambient temperature of -40 ºC ~ +65ºC.

 2.1        发射通频带  TX P* Band: 935 – 960 MHz                     

接收通频带 RX P* Band: 890 – 915 MHz

 2.2        发射通路*损耗 TX Path IL: < 0.5 dB              

接收通路正常模式增益 RX Path Gain in Normal Mode: 12.0 ± 1.0 dB

接收通路直通模式*损耗 RX Path B** Mode IL : <2.2 dB                 

  (室温典型值T*ical in room temperature 1.9 dB)

 2.3       发射通路带内波动 TX In Band Ripple: < 0.3 dB

接收通路增益波动,对正常模式和直通模式均 RX In Band Ripple, for Both Modes: < 1.0 dB

 2.4       回波损耗(VSWR)

发射通路TX Path: >18dB (<1.29:1)

接收通路正常模式 RX Path Normal Mode: >18dB (<1.29:1)

接收通路直通模式 RX Path B** Mode: >14dB (<1.50:1)


2.5     接收通路频率响应  RX Path Frequency Response



频率范围 Frequency Range


天线口到基站口 Antenna port to BTS port





增益变化 (相对于天线口)相对与通频带增益的dBcGain variation compare with antenna port (dBc)


0.1    < F < 830

> 60 dBc


830   < F < 865

> 40 dBc


865   < F < 880

> 15 dBc


890   < F < 915

通频带 P*band

25M 带宽 band width

925   < F < 935

> 40 dBc


935   < F < 960

> 85 dBc


960   < F < 1180

> 60 dBc


1180 < F < 1880

> 55 dBc


1880 < F < 2900

> 35 dBc


 2: 接收通路频率响应  Table 2: RX Path Frequency Response

 2.6    互调要求 Intermodulation (IM)

890 - 915 MHz内的*互调产物均小于-118 dBm, 输入信号为两个43 dBm (~20 ) 单频连续波, 送入基站口. Between 890 – 915MHz, all the IM products < -118 dBm with two 43 dBm CW input.

2.7    接收频段噪声系数 RX Path Noise Figure (NF)

接收频段正常模式噪声系数: +25ºC <1.8 dB, +65ºC<2.1 dB(室温典型值1.6 dB)

RX normal mode NF <1.8 dB @+25ºC, <2.1 dB @+65ºC(T*ical 1.6 dB at room temperature)

 2.8    接收频段动态范围  RX Dynamic Range

输出1 dB压缩点: > +10 dBm                                          

输出3阶交截点:   > +22 dBm

Output 1 dB compression point  > +10 dBm                 &nb, sp;                       

OIP3   > +22 dBm

2.9   电源 Power Supply

直流电压 +12V ± 1.0V, 正常工作消耗电流不大于125mA, 告警状态不大于175mA

DC supply +12V ± 1.0V.

Normal mode < 125mA

Alarm mode   <  175mA

2.10  低噪声放大器 3 dB Bridge Balanced LNA

采用平衡放大. 当一路发生故障时, 整个放大器仍能提供部分增益, 维持基本通信.

In case either amplifier fail, the whole LNA still can provide reduced gain and keep the communication running.

2.11 告警 Alarm

塔放具备故障检测能力, 当低噪声放大器工作异常, 部分故障或严重故障时给出告警信息.

The TMA has alarm detect circuit and can report either one LNA or both LNAs failure.

2.12 状态切换 Working Mode Transition

直流供电正常时, 工作于正常模式, 低噪声放大器工作. 供电中断时, 自动切换到直通模式. 恢复供电时, 2秒钟之内切回正常模式. 严重故障时, 自动切换到直通模式.

Working in normal mode in case: DC supply is present and at least one LNA works well.Working in b** mode in case: No DC supply or both LNAs are fail.Transition time between different working modes: < 2 seconds.

2.13 功率容量 RF Power Capacity

100(50 dBm)的连续功率

100W (50 dBm) continuous CW.

2.14 群时延 Group Delay

通频带内, 200 kHz带宽内群时延变化量应小于20 ns. 整个通频带内群时延*对值的*大值应小于150 ns.

Group delay < 20 ns over a 200 kHz bandwidth

Group delay < 150 ns over the whole p* band

2.15 射频接头 RF connectors

天线端口和基站端口均为DIN 7/16 母头. 发货前*接头加保护帽保护.

DIN 7/16 for antenna and BTS ports. All ports are capped for shipment.




电话: 025-82032080





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