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  • 企业名:袁建


    电话: 0769-26380380



商品信息 更新时间:2011-04-06

型号:D38.1ET9FL5/7.5 材质:CVDZnSe 外形尺寸:38.1(mm) 适用范围:激光切割机 装箱数:1

本公司主要长期从事各种激光产品(激光管、红外光学镜片、激光电源)的研究和开发,所产生的CO2激光管,*创国内同类产品使用寿命短的难题。采用*工艺,*降低工作气体的分解速度,使用工作寿命大为增加。CO2激光管在使用过程中常常由于工作气体的变化,使其寿命缩短,*是在诸如激光雕刻、切割时由于激光管的频繁开关而寿命锐减,这时就需要经常更换激光管,给使用者带来许多麻烦,大大增加了使用成本。 本公司产生的CO2激光管,膜式好(基膜达95%以上)、光斑小(3-5MM)、功率大(1200MM激光管功率在68W以上,1600MM激光管功率在85W以上)为国内*高. 输出电流低(起辉电压2-3MA),*适合激光雕刻、激光切割、激光打孔等方面使用。 @ 本公司主要生产二氧化碳激光管、二氧化碳激光切割机、激光雕刻机等。现已经与国内外同行业众多家公司建立合作关系。所生产的10W至200W的激光管已达同行业*水平,所生产的二氧化碳激光机内的激光管寿命已*过六个月。 主营业务:CO2激光器、CO2激光管、二氧化碳激光管、二氧化碳激光器、激光电源、聚焦镜、反射镜、激光切割机、激光雕刻机、激光扫版机、激光镭射机、激光打标机等*的激光产品。
经营各种规格的CVD(ZnSe),PVD(ZnSe),锗,砷化镓,硫化锌的聚焦透镜及窗口。K9,石英,单晶硅,铜,钼的高反射镜。DS系列中远红外玻璃及晶体材料。*生产CO2激光器上的输出镜,扩束镜,合束镜,切割镜, F-theta扫描透镜,振镜。各种波长光学器件和滤光片的制作。 双抛光片, 并提供镀膜,来料加工镜片,大功率激光器镜片的维修。代理销售以色列以色列Op r大功率激光镜片

传真: QQ;8
:袁 建

The company mainly engaged in all kinds of laser products (laser tube, infrared optical lens, laser power) research and development, the resulting CO2 laser tube, the first short life of the domestic like product problems. Using special technology, effectively reduce the decomposition rate of working gas, the use of working life is greatly increased. CO2 laser tube is often in the course of changes in the working gas, to shorten the life span, especially in areas such as laser engraving, cutting the frequency of the laser tube lifetime switch and dropped, requiring frequent replacement of the laser tube, to the use of bringing a lot of trouble, w ch greatly increased the use of cost. The company generated CO2 laser tube, a good film (base film over 95%), spot *all (3-5MM), gh power (1200MM laser tube power of 68W or more, 1600MM 85W more power in the laser tube) was the ghest- . Output current low (starter voltage 2-3MA), particularly suitable for laser engraving, laser cutting, laser drilling, etc. to use. @ The company mainly produces carbon dioxide laser tube, carbon dioxide laser cutting mac ne, laser engraving mac nes. Now has the same industry at home and abroad to establish cooperative relations of many companies. 10W to 200W produced by the laser tube has reached the advanced level, the production of carbon dioxide laser in the laser tube life has been more than six months. Main business: CO2 laser, CO2 laser tube, carbon dioxide laser tube, carbon dioxide laser, laser power, focusing mirror, mirror, laser cutting mac ne, laser engraving mac ne, laser scanning version of the mac ne, laser mac ne, laser marking mac ne advanced laser products. Operating a variety of CVD (ZnSe), PVD (ZnSe), germanium, gallium arsenide, zinc sulfide of the focusing lens and window. K9, quartz, silicon, copper, molybdenum gh reflection mirror. IR series of far infrared gl* and crystal materials. Professional production of CO2, YAG, the laser output mirror, totally reflecting mirror, semi-reflecting mirror. Beam expander, cutting mirror, beam splitter, F-theta scan lens, galvanometer. Filters of various wavelengths and the production of optical devices. The band laser protective gl*es. Supply large quantities of gh-quality K-gl* single, double polished, coated in a more film. And to provide coating, processing lens, gh power laser lens repair. YAG laser cavity condenser gold-plated, : Fax: QQ;8 https://www.laser2003.cn Contact: Yuan Jian




电话: 0769-26380380




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