电话: 010-57223837
精准仪器耐电弧试验机 格高电压小电流 The main scope and function: 本试验机是按照GB1411 、IPC650、IEC 61621、ASTMD495设计制造,并符合JEC 149、UL 746A等试验方法。应用于电机、电器和家用电器等行业的电工用塑料、树脂胶和绝缘漆等绝缘材料的耐电弧性能评定主要适用于固体绝缘材料如:塑料、薄膜、树脂、云母、陶瓷、玻璃、绝缘油、绝缘漆、纸板等介质的耐电弧性能测试;耐电弧试验机采用计算机控制,试验过程中可在线观察试验曲线;自动存储试验条件及试验结果等数据,并可存取、显示、打印. This tester is manufactured in accordance with GB1411, IPC650, IEC 61621, ASTMD495 design, and in accordance with the testing method of JEC 149, UL 746A. Arc resistant performance evaluation is applied to the motor, electric appliances and household appliances industries such as electrical plastic, resin glue and varnish insulation material is mainly applied to solid insulating materials such as: plastic, thin film, resin, mica, ceramic, glass, insulating oil, insulating paint, paper and other media of the arc resistance test; resistance arc testing machine controlled by computer, the test process can watch online test curve; automatic storage test conditions and test data, and can access, display, print 产品名称:高电压小电流耐电弧试验机-(计算机控制) 产品型号:NDH-20KV 一、 主要适用范围及功能: 本试验机是按照GB1411 、IPC650、IEC 61621、ASTMD495设计制造,并符合JEC 149、UL 746A等试验方法。应用于电机、电器和家用电器等行业的电工用塑料、树脂胶和绝缘漆等绝缘材料的耐电弧性能评定主要适用于固体绝缘材料如:塑料、薄膜、树脂、云母、陶瓷、玻璃、绝缘油、绝缘漆、纸板等介质的耐电弧性能测试;耐电弧试验机采用计算机控制,试验过程中可在线观察试验曲线;自动存储试验条件及试验结果等数据,并可存取、显示、打印. 二、试验过程描述: 过程 弧电流/mA 通断时间/秒 持续时间/秒 试验所经时间/秒 1/8-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 60 1/4-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 120 1/2-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 180 10 10 导通 60 240 20 20 导通 60 300 30 30 导通 60 360 40 40 导通 60 420 三、主要技术要求: 1、输入电压: 交流 220 V 2、输出电压: 交流 0--20 KV ; 3、电器容量: 1.5 KVA 4、试验方式: 间歇电弧,连续电弧 5、试验电流: 10MA-20MA-30MA-40MA可选 6、试验电压控制误差: ≤ 1% 7、电弧通断时间误差: <5ms 8、试验电压连续可调: 0--20 KV 9、电极规格: 不锈钢板状电极 25.4mm*12.7mm*0.15mm 钨钢电极 56mm*7mm*30mm 电极配置角110度 电极重量:50G 10、安全防护措施:(1)超压保护 (2)过流保护 (3)短路保护 (4)安全门开启保护 (5)软件误操作保护 四、主要配置: 1、试验主机一台 2、2万伏高压发生器一台 3、全自动微电脑电压调压装置一套(串口方式) 4、电压采集及电流采集隔离式变送装置一套 5、试验电极:两套 6、放电棒一只(树脂式) 7、计算机耐电弧测控软件一套 8、计算机一套(联想品牌) 电脑主机配置:1、160G硬盘 2、2G内存 3、DVD光驱 显示器配置:17寸纯平液晶显示器一台 9、彩色喷墨打印机一台(惠普品牌) 10、程序光盘一套 11、产品使用说明书一份 12、计量检定证一份 13、合格证一份 14、随机工具一套 Product Name: high voltage low current arc resistance testing machine (computer) 产品型号:NDH-20KV Product type: NDH-20KV 主要适用范围及功能: The main scope and function: 本试验机是按照GB1411 、IPC650、IEC 61621、ASTMD495设计制造,并符合JEC 149、UL 746A等试验方法。应用于电机、电器和家用电器等行业的电工用塑料、树脂胶和绝缘漆等绝缘材料的耐电弧性能评定主要适用于固体绝缘材料如:塑料、薄膜、树脂、云母、陶瓷、玻璃、绝缘油、绝缘漆、纸板等介质的耐电弧性能测试;耐电弧试验机采用计算机控制,试验过程中可在线观察试验曲线;自动存储试验条件及试验结果等数据,并可存取、显示、打印. This tester is manufactured in accordance with GB1411, IPC650, IEC 61621, ASTMD495 design, and in accordance with the testing method of JEC 149, UL 746A. Arc resistant performance evaluation is applied to the motor, electric appliances and household appliances industries such as electrical plastic, resin glue and varnish insulation material is mainly applied to solid insulating materials such as: plastic, thin film, resin, mica, ceramic, glass, insulating oil, insulating paint, paper and other media of the arc resistance test; resistance arc testing machine controlled by computer, the test process can watch online test curve; automatic storage test conditions and test data, and can access, display, print 二、试验过程描述: Two, test process description: 过程 弧电流/mA 通断时间/秒 持续时间/秒 试验所经时间/秒 Process arc current /mA on-off time / duration / second test the time / sec 1/8-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 60 1//4s 7/4s 6060 1/4-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 120 1//4s 7/4s 60120 1/2-10 10 1/4s通 7/4s断 60 180 1//4s 7/4s 60180 10 10 导通 60 240 The 1010 conducting 60240 20 20 导通 60 300 The 2020 conducting 60300 30 30 导通 60 360 The 3030 conducting 60360 40 40 导通 60 420 The 4040 conducting 60420 三、主要技术要求: Three, the main technical requirements: 1、输入电压: 交流 220 V 1, the input voltage: making AC 220 V 2、输出电压: 交流 0--20 KV ; 2, the output voltage: making AC 0 - 20 KV; 3、电器容量: 1.5 KVA 3, electrical capacity: making 1.5 KVA 4、试验方式: 间歇电弧,连续电弧 4, test mode: making intermittent arc, continuous arc 5、试验电流: 10MA-20MA-30MA-40MA可选 5, the test current: making 10MA-20MA-30MA-40MA optional 6、试验电压控制误差: ≤ 1% 6, the test voltage control error: ≤ 1% 7、电弧通断时间误差: <5ms 7, the arc on-off time error: <5ms 8、试验电压连续可调: 0--20 KV 8, the test voltage is continuous and adjustable 020: KV 9、电极规格: 不锈钢板状电极 25.4mm*12.7mm*0.15mm 9, electrode size: stainless steel plate electrode 25.4mm*12.7mm*0.15mm 钨钢电极 56mm*7mm*30mm Making making making making making making making tungsten electrode 56mm*7mm*30mm 电极配置角110度 Making making making making making making making electrode configuration angle of 110 degrees 电极重量:50G Making making making making making making making electrode weight: 50G 10、安全防护措施:(1)超压保护 10, safety protection measures: (1) the overpressure protection (2)过流保护 Making making making making making making making making making (2) overcurrent protection (3)短路保护 Making making making making making making making making making (3) short circuit protection (4)安全门开启保护 Making making making making making making making making making (4) safety door opening protection (5)软件误操作保护 Making making making making making making making making making (5) software protection misoperation 四、主要配置: Four, the main configuration: 1、试验主机一台 1, test a host 2、2万伏高压发生器一台 2, 20000 volt high-voltage generator a 3、全自动微电脑电压调压装置一套(串口方式) 3, automatic microcomputer voltage regulating device with a set of (serial) 4、电压采集及电流采集隔离式变送装置一套 4, voltage and current acquisition isolation type transmission device, a set of 5、试验电极:两套 5, the test electrode: two sets 6、放电棒一只(树脂式) 6, the discharge rod a (resin type) 7、计算机耐电弧测控软件一套 7, the computer control software in an arc resistance 8、计算机一套(联想品牌) 8, the computer a (Lenovo) 电脑主机配置:1、160G硬盘 2、2G内存 3、DVD光驱 Computer host configuration: 1, 2, 2G memory 160G hard disk 3, DVD drive 显示器配置:17寸纯平液晶显示器一台 Display configuration: 17 inch flat screen liquid crystal display a 9、彩色喷墨打印机一台(惠普品牌) 9, the color ink jet printer a (HP brand) 10、程序光盘一套 10, the program disc set 11、产品使用说明书一份 11, the instructions for use of products a 12、计量检定证一份 A 12, metrological verification certificate 13、合格证一份 13, a certificate 14、随机工具一套 14, a random set of tools 翻译不正确取消
电话: 010-57223837
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司