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RXLG-V-T 铝壳绕线电阻

RXLG-V-T 铝壳绕线电阻
RXLG-V-T 铝壳绕线电阻
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  • 企业名:上海克拉电子有限公司


    电话: 021-57628686



商品信息 更新时间:2014-06-06

产品名称:RXLG-V-T型铝壳绕线电阻Product name:RXLG-V-TSeries Wire wound resistors in aluminum casing型 号:RXLG-V-TT*e: RXLG-V-T产品介绍:RXLG系列铝壳绕线电阻器采用铝合金外壳,外形美观,该电阻具有耐气候性、耐振动、*性*传统瓷骨架电阻器。电阻器是用一种*的*硅树脂和硅粉作基本材料封装的功率型绕线电阻。易紧密安装,易附加散热器。Product introduction: RXLG series wire wound resistor in aluminum casing is made by aluminum casing and has a handsome appearance. Its ability of resistance to vibration, climate and security is precede to those resistors with ceramic framework. This resistor is power wire wound resistor which is made by a kind of organic silicon rosin and silicon powder as basic material encapsulation. It is easy to fix tightly and add to radiator.用 途: 铝壳绕线电阻广泛应用于电源、变频器、伺服系统等高要求的电气回路中,并能使用于恶劣的工控环境,是电力电子理想的配套产品。Purpose: Wire wound resistors in aluminum casing is used in electric loop of power supply, transducer, servo system and so on widely. It can also be used in wicked industry control environment. It is a ideal product of electric. Serial number序号Item测试项目Capability require性能Test method测试方法1Resistance and resistance variance电阻值以及变化范围R≥1Ω &plu*n;5%R<1Ω &plu*n;10%Accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.1遵守JIS-C-5202 5.12Resistor temperatureCoefficient温度系数R>20Ω,&plu*n;260 ppm/℃R≤20Ω,&plu*n;400 ppm/℃To run within temperature range–25~200℃, factor shall be in accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.2在–25~200℃温度下实验,遵守JIS-C-5202 5.23Rating load额定负载Superficial temperature≤375℃表面温度≤375℃Correctly mounted on 300×300×3mm plate aluminium ,accordance with JIS-C.4放置在300×300×3mm铝板上,遵守JIS-C.44Short term overload短时过载No abnormalityΔR≤&plu*n;(2%R 0.05Ω)无异常ΔR≤&plu*n;(2%R 0.05Ω)Application of 10 times higher than rating voltage for 5 seconds under the same invironment, accordance with JIS-C.5同样环境下,10倍额定电压,5秒,遵守JIS-C.55Insulation resistance*缘电阻No abnormalityR≥100MΩ无异常R≥100MΩInsulation resistance shall be 100 MΩ or more between terminal and case when measured with DC 500V insulation resistance tester, accordance with JIS-C.6直流500V,焊片和外壳之间的*缘电阻要求大于或等于100MΩ,遵守JIS-C.66Withstand voltage耐压No abnormalityno destroyingΔR≤&plu*n;( 0.1%R 0.05Ω)无异常 无破坏ΔR≤&plu*n;( 0.1%R 0.05Ω)No abnormality shall be found when AC 2500V applied between terminal and case for 1 min, accordance wirh JIS-C.7焊片与外壳之间加交流电压2500V,1分钟,遵守JIS-C.77Terminal strength焊片强度No abnormal orLoosing无异常无松动A static load of 100N in the direction of terminal for 30 seconds, accordance to JIS-C.1.2(1)100N力加在焊片引出方向,30秒,遵守JIS-C.1.2(1)8Vibration proof振动No abnormalΔR≤&plu*n;(0.1%R 0.05Ω)无异常ΔR≤&plu*n;(0.1%R 0.05Ω)No mechanical damage shall be observed where vibration applied in a cycle of 10~55HZ 1.5mm wide in the three directions for 1 minute, keeping 2 hours in each direction.Accordance with JIS-C.310~55 HZ ,1.5mm振幅,三个方向,一个周期1分钟。每个方向上持续2小时,无机械损伤,遵守JIS-C.3RXLG铝外壳电阻器技术参数Technology parameter of t*e RXLG aluminous crust resistor耐久性Endure capability:Serialnumber序号Item测试项目Capability require性能Test method测试方法1Heat tolerance耐热性No colour changed and abnormality except terminal, sign clear除焊片外,无颜色变化,标记清晰。Where the device is heated to 350&plu*n;5℃ with no load for 120&plu*n;5 minutes , accordance with JIS-C.2 无负载,加热至350&plu*n;5℃,120&plu*n;5分钟,遵守JIS-C.22Thermal shock热冲击No abnormalityΔR≤&plu*n;(2%R 0.05Ω)无异常ΔR≤&plu*n;(2%R 0.05Ω)Apply rating power for 30 minutes,on reaching thermal stability ,within 8-12 s expose to -40&plu*n;2℃ for 15 5 minutes, then constant temperature, 2 hours. accordance with JIS-C.3 额定电压30分钟,常温,8-12秒放到 -40&plu*n;2℃环境下,15 5分钟。再在常温下放置2小时, 遵守JIS-C.33Moisture resistance life耐湿性No damageSign clearΔR≤&plu*n;(3%R 0.05Ω)Insulation resistance R≥25MΩ*伤标记清晰ΔR≤&plu*n;(3%R 0.05Ω)*缘阻值R≥25MΩDC voltage of 100V at 40&plu*n;2℃ at relative humidity 90-95% shall be applied for 1 hour, then cycled off for less than 0.5 hours ,for 500 24 hours, accordance with JIS-C.5 直流电压100V,40&plu*n;2℃,相对湿度90-95%,60分钟开,30分钟关,持续500 24小时, 遵守JIS-C.54Load life负载寿命No damageSign clearΔR≤&plu*n;(5%R 0.05Ω)*伤标记清晰ΔR≤&plu*n;(5%R 0.05Ω)Correctly mounted on 300×300×3mm plate aluminium, rating DC voltage shall be applied at 20&plu*n;7℃, 90 minutes on 30 minutes off, then cycled for 500 24 hours, accordance with JIS-C-5202 7.10 放置在300×300×3mm铝板上,20&plu*n;7℃,额定直流电压,90分钟开,30分钟关,循环500 24小时, 遵守JIS-C-5202 7.10T*e类别RXLG-V-T400WRXLG-V-T600WRXLG-V-T800WRXLG-V-T1000WRXLG-V-T1200WRXLG-V-T1500WResistance range电阻范围Ω2R2-10K4R3-20K5R1-36K5R1-43K6R8-51K6R8-55KTolerance of resistance电阻值公差%R≥1Ω &plu*n;5%R<1Ω &plu*n;10%Temperature coefficient温度系数ppm/℃R>20Ω,&plu*n;260 ppm/℃R≤20Ω,&plu*n;400 ppm/℃Insulation resistance*缘电阻MΩR≥100Weight重量kg---- -Dimension尺寸Lmm265400340400460550L1250385325385445535L2225360300360420510d Power rating额定电压V Protection lever*护等级-IP54Climatic category(IEC 68-1)环境类别 -40/155/21Temperature change使用温度℃-40——200Ability to tractive power of terminals端子强度N100Connections连接件 Terminal焊片 RXLG铝外壳电阻器技术参数Technology parameter of t*e RXLG aluminous crust resistor电气、机械性能:Electric and mechanical capability:




电话: 021-57628686




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