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    电话: 86075527642115





深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification承 认 书Samples approval sheet客户名称(Customer name):元件名称(Production name):型 号(Model): KP100W3434CS100编号(Part number):7-KN日期(Date): 2010-3-3深圳市科纳公司KENA INDUSTRY CO.,LTD编制Prepared by审核Checked by核准Approved by市场部Market Dept.李小姣客户确认CUSTOMER CONFIRMATION确认Confirmed by审核Checked by核准Approved by地址:深圳市宝安区公明镇合水口村下朗工业区第 10 栋Address:Building 10.Xialang Industry zone, HeShuiKou, GongMing town, BaoAn district, Shenzhen city.():、、、、传真(Fax):网址(Net address):www.knled.com(E-mail):、深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification型 号 Model : KP100W3434CS100 页码 Page: 1/5一、 外形图Outline dimensions:- 单位Unit公差Tolerance芯片材料Die material胶体颜色Lens color发光颜色Emission colormm &plu*n;0.2mm InGaN Water Clear White※备注:承认书之编号和型号可用于查询,客户如有需要,请提供相应的编号和型号。Remark:P/N & Model in samples approval sheet can be used to inquire,please provide corresponding P/N& model ifcustomer need .深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification型 号 Model : KP100W3434CS100 页码 Page:2/5二、光电参数Photoelectricity Parameter(环境温度Ambient temperature:25℃ 湿度humidity:RH60%)项目Item*号Symbol测试条件Test condition*小值Min典型值T*e*大值Max单位Unit正向电压Forward voltageVF IF=2800mA -- 34 -- V反向电流Reverse currentIR VR=5V -- -- 10 μA光通量(Light) φ IF=2800mA -- Lm色温Color temperatureC* IF=2800mA 5500 -- 6500 K光谱半宽度Spectrum line half widthΔλ IF=2800mA -- -- -- nm静电解除*限*D Withstand limit*D(HBM)-- -- -- -- V备注:1、亮度测试公差&plu*n;15%、波长测试公差&plu*n;1nm、正向电压测试公差&plu*n;0.05VThe tolerance of intensity:&plu*n;15%, The tolerance of wave length:&plu*n;1nm,The tolerance of forwards voltage: &plu*n;0.05V.Only reference for above data when testing.2、以上数据是在良好散热的情况下测试的The datum in measured under excellent dispelling heat.三、*限参数Absolute Maximum Rating(环境温度Ambient temperature:25℃ 湿度humidity:RH60%)项 目Item*号Symbol数值Value单位Unit备注Remark正向电流Forward Current IF 2800 mA ---正向峰值电流Peck forward currentIFM 4480 mA F=1KHZ,占空比(duty cycle)1/10反向耐压Reverse VoltageVRP 5 V ---耗散功率Power DissipationPm 100 W ---工作环境温度OperationtemperatureTamb -40 至 60 ℃ ---贮藏温度Storage temperatureTstg -40 至 100 ℃ ---深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification型 号 Model : KP100W3434CS100 页码 Page: 3/5四、典型光电特性曲线图T*ical photoelectricity characteristic curve chartForward Current(mA)Relative Iuminous IntensityAmbient Temperature TA(℃)Relative Luminous Intensity VSAmbient Temperature 80Relative Luminous Intensity VSForward CurrentForward Voltage(V)Forward Current VSForward VoltageRelative Luminous Intensity0 1200Forward Current(mA)Ambient Temperature TA(℃)Allowable ForwardCurrent(mA)Allowable Forward Current VSAmbient Temperature深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification型 号 Model : KP100W3434CS100 页码 Page: 4/5五、*性实验项目 Reliability Test Project描述Description项目Item测试标准Test criterion测试条件Test condition测试时间Test time数量Qty失效数量Fail qty寿命测试Life test常温寿命测试Life test(room temperature) JIS7021:B4 Ta=25℃&plu*n;5℃,IF=2800mA 1000Hrs 22 0高温存储High temperature storeJIS7021:B10MIL-STD-202:210AMIL-STD-750:2031Ta=60℃&plu*n;5℃ 1000Hrs 22 0低温存储Low temperature store JIS7021:B12 Ta= -35℃&plu*n;5℃ 1000Hrs 22 0高温高湿测试High temperature/ humidity testJIS7021:B11MIL-STD-202:103DTa=80℃&plu*n;5℃RH=85%1000Hrs 22 0冷热冲击测试Cold / Heat strike testJIS7021::B4MIL-STD-202:107DMIL-STD-750:10265min-30℃&plu*n;5℃←→100℃&plu*n;5℃5min 5min50Cycles 22 0环境测试Ambiencetest冷热循环测试Cold and heat cycle testJIS7021:A3MIL-STD-202:107DMIL-STD-705:105E30min 30min 30min-35℃~25℃~85℃~25℃30min 5min 30min 5min50Cycles 22 0判断标准Judging criterion:判断标准项目CriteriaItem*号Symbol实验条件Experiment conditionMin. Max.Forward Voltage VF IF=2800mA ---- Initial Datex1.1Reverse Current IR VR=5V ---- 50μALuminous Intensity IV IF=2800mA Initial Datex0.8 ----深圳市科纳实业有限公司ShenZhen Kena Industry Co.,LTD产品规格Production Specification型 号 Model : KP100W3434CS100 页码 Page: 5/5六、注意事项 Note(1)*静电措施*D countermeasure静电及高压会对LED 造成损坏,*是晶片材质为InGaN 的产品对静电*护要求更加严格,要求在使用和检验产品时戴*静电手腕带或*静电手套,焊接工具及设备外壳需*接地,焊接条件遵循此份规格书中的条件。Static electricity and high volt can damage led,The production whose Die material is InGaN must strictly requiredto prevent *D,Must put on static glove and static fillet,Soldering tool and the cover of device must connect theground,soldering condition follows the related stating of production specification manual。(2)过电流保护Protecting countermeasure when over current为避免由于电压的变化引起大电流冲击而造成产品损坏,需要加入保护电阻。Need add the protecting resistor in circuit in order to avoid damaging led due to big current and voltage fluctuation。(3)LED 安装方法LED installation method1、在应用中*须将大功率安装在适当的散热片上,在散热片和大功率之间打上散热膏。When using it ,should *ear silicon glue on the back of power LED and install it on a proper heatsink .2、注意在拿、放和安装、使用大功率时,不能给大功率上的芯片区施加任何压力,*里面金线开路。Don’t press the wafer area of power LED in case of the gold wire open ,When touching the production.(4)存储时间Storage time1、在温度5℃~35℃,湿度RH60%条件下,产品可保存一年。*过保存期的产品需重新检测后方能使用。Led can be stored for a year under the condition: the temperature of 5℃~35℃ and humidity of RH60%,Theseproduction must be re-inspected and tested before use if their storage time exceed a year。2、如果打开的产品在5℃~35℃,RH60%的空气条件下放置*过一周,则需要将产品在65℃&plu*n;5℃的环境中放置24 小时以上,并尽量在十五天内使用。If led is exposed in air for a week under the condition: the temperature of 5℃~35℃,humidity of RH60%,mustplace the led in the ambience of 65℃&plu*n;5℃ for 24 hours and use it in 15 days for *。(5)清洗Cleaning当用化学用品清洗胶体时*须*小心,因为有些化学品对胶体表面有损伤并引起褪色如三氯乙烯、*等。可用乙醇擦拭、浸渍,时间在常温下不*过3 分钟。Be careful of some chemical results in the led colloid fades and damage when using chemical clean the led,such aschloroethylene, acetone etc。 can use ethanol to wash or soak led but the time don’t exceed 3 minutes.(6)对分光产品,请按分包使用,避免出现色差及灯暗For the LED sorted light,please sort the different package to use and cann’t mix them in case of dark light and colorerror.




电话: 86075527642115





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