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  • 企业名:北京三尼阳光科技发展有限公司


    电话: 010-65202180




商品信息 更新时间:2010-03-24

The model 1260A Impedance/Gain-Phase Analyzer is - without doubt - the most powerful, accurate and flexible Frequency Response Analyzer available today. In daily use by leading researchers wherever measurement integrity and experimental reliability are of paramount importance, the 1260A’s solid reputation is frequently endorsed in published research papers in fields such as:

  • Corrosion studies
  • Battery research and fuel cells
  • Solar cells
  • LCD's
  • Bio-materials
  • Ceramics / composites
  • Electronic component development
  • Civil engineering

One of Solartron Analytical’s extensive range of precision products designed to provide cost effective solutions for DC and AC *ysis in electrochemical and materials research, the 1260A offers an outstanding measurement specification for impedance spectroscopy.

Wide frequency range
Spanning 10µHz to 32MHz with 0.015ppm resolution, the 1260A provides excellent coverage for virtually all chemical and molecular mechani*s - all in a single instrument.

Unbeatable accuracy
With an accuracy of 0.1%, 0.1º, measurements can be made with complete confidence, and even the most subtle changes in sample behavior detected and quantized

Noise free *ysis
The 1260A uses Solartron Analytical’s patented single-sine correlation technique, which inherently removes the noise and harmonic distortion which plagues lesser instruments.

  • Frequency resolution: 1 in 65 million (0.015ppm)
  • 0.1%, 0.1º accuracy - unsurp*ed by any similar instrument
  • Resolution to 0.001dB, 0.01º - capturing every detail
  • Measures impedances >100MΩ
  • 2-, 3- and 4-terminal measurement configurations
  • Polarization voltage up to ±40.95V
  • Compatible with the renowned ZPlot software package to simplify experiments and optimize throughput.

When combined with other products from Solartron Analytical’s range, including well-proven application software (
ZPlot or SMaRT), the 1260A can form the heart of an advanced electrochemical and materials measurement system, to provide *b accuracy, flexibility and reliability - even for the most complex research problems.

Impedance measurement
Virtually every liquid and solid is able to p* current when a voltage is applied to it. If a variable (ac) voltage is applied to the material, the ratio of voltage to current is known as the impedance. The measured impedance varies with the frequency of the applied voltage in a way that is related to the properties of the liquid or solid. This may be due to the physical structure of the material, to chemical processes within it or a combination of both. The advantages of impedance measurement over other techniques include:- 

  • Rapid acquisition of data
  • Accurate, repeatable measurements
  • Non-destructive
  • Highly adaptable to a wide variety of different applications
  • Ability to differentiate effects due to electrodes, diffusion, m*/charge transfer by *ysis over different frequency ranges
  • Equivalent circuit/modeling


Voltage mode Current mode 
AC Amplitude ≤10MHz  0 to 3 V rms 0 to 60 mA rms
 >10MHz 0 to 1 V rms 0 to 20 mA rms
Maximum AC resolution  5 mV 100 µA
DC Bias Range ±40.95 V  ±100 mA
Maximum DC resolution 10 mV 200 µA
Output impedance 50 Ω±1% >200 kΩ at <1 kHz 
Frequency range 10 µHz to 32 MHz
Max resolution 10 µHz
Error:  ±100 ppm
Stability 24 hrs ±1ºC
 ±10 ppm
Sweep t*es  Frequency (logarithmic or linear)
AC/DC voltage
AC/DC current
Maximum voltage hi to lo ±46 V peak
Maximum voltage lo to ground ±0.4 V peak
Maximum current ±100 mA peak
Impedance lo to ground 100 kΩ, <10 nF
Connector Single BNC, floating shield
Output disable control Contact closure or TTL logic 0
3 independent *yzers operating in parallel
Voltage mode (x2) Current mode 
Ranges 30 mV, 300 mV, 3 V 6 µA, 60 µA, 600 µA, 6 mA, 60 mA
Maximum resolution 1 µV 200 pA 
Full scale peak ±5 V ±100 mA
Inputs protected to ±46 V ±250 mA
Connections single/differential BNC single BNC
Shields floating/grounded -
Coupling DC or AC (-3dB at 1Hz)  DC or AC (-3dB at 1 Hz)
Input impedance hi to shield 1 MΩ, <35 pF ≥600 µA range, 1 Ω
Input impedance shield to ground  10 kΩ, 330 pF <600 µA range, 50 Ω
Limits of error
  Conditions Ambient temperature 20±10ºC, integration time >200 ms. Data valid for one year after calibration.
Gain-phase measurements
Applies to all ranges at >10% full scale

Impedance Measurements
Applies for stimulation level of 1V for impedances >50Ω or 20mA for impedances <50Ω

Displayed Results 
Variable Frequency, AC amplitude, DC bias
Measured parameters Voltage gain, phase, real, imaginary, Z, R, X, Y, G, B, V, I group delay, C, L, Q, D 
GPIB (IEEE-488) For instrument control or for directly driving attached plotter using HPGL language
RS423 For directly driving attached plotter using HPGL language
Power Requirements
Voltage 90 to 126V, 198 to 252 VAC
Frequency 48 to 65 Hz
Power <  230 VA 
Width 432 mm (17")
Depth 573  mm (22.56 ")
Height 176 mm (6.93")
Weight 18 kg (40 lbs)
Operating Temperature Range 0 to 50ºC (32 to 122ºF)




电话: 010-65202180





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