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  • 企业名:浙江东亮电气有限公司


    电话: 0577-62768111



商品信息 更新时间:2011-09-09

品牌:上海华通机电集团 型号:S9,S11 额定电压:10,35(kV) 额定容量:630(KVA) 负载耗损:0.2(W) 阻*电压:4(%) 尺寸:45*65*85(m) 产品认证:CQC

S9.S11变压器及变压器油箱,-供S9.S11M系列变压器,S11-M系列变压器, 新S9系列三相油浸变压器引进了沈阳变压器研究所的新技术,空载负载损耗低,耐雷电冲击,*短路能力强,*效果明显,社会经济效益显著,是目前*两网改造的理想选择。 S11-M系列全密封油浸配电变压器,采用全充油密封型、无储油柜,变压器由于温度和负载的变化引起油体积变化,完会由变压器油箱的弹性予以调解,其空载损耗比S9低30%,耐雷电冲击*短路能力强,*效果更为明显,并降低了变压器的外型尺寸,是目前国内新型的*产品。 结构特点 1.箱式变的基本结构分为“目”字形和“品”字形。“目”字形结构高压室较宽,能实现环网供电或双电源供电接线方案;“品”字形结构低压室较宽,可放置5~6台低压柜,有6~12回电缆出线。根据用户要求,箱式变可设置内操作走廊。 2.箱体骨架采用槽钢和角钢焊接而成,具有较高的机械强度。箱体外壳材料采用2mm厚铝合金板,有*好的*腐能力,经喷漆着色可与周围环境相协调。 3.有良好的隔热通风措施。箱体四周设有上下可通风的风道,风道还兼作加强筋,箱体项盖在夹层中设有30~50mm厚的新型阻燃材料制成的隔热层,能*地*太阳光辐射。在变压器室底部装有自动控制的轴流风机,门的上部设“A”字形通风窗,可*在高温季节变压器能满载运行。 4.箱体外门锁,采用*雨、*堵、*锈、*盗的*门锁,外门打开后可定位在开门位置。 5.外门框上加装了*的橡皮嵌条,箱顶四周设有的*雨檐,底部电缆进出线口加装了宝塔形橡皮圈,能*地*雨水、*灰尘、*小动物,*电气设备*运行。 6.变压器室可设置轨道及变压器小车,方便变压器安装、更换。 7.箱式变高压部分选用高压真空开关柜或负荷开关环网柜,操作简便,*性高。 8.变压器室设二道门,内网门采用开启式,金属网经镀锌处理,网孔直径=8mm,*巡视人员的人身*。 9.高压进线方案分为电缆,架空进线两种,低压出线一般为电缆出线。 10.箱体采用下起*方式,起*平稳、*。 11.简易型箱式变的变压器部分外露,高、低压接线柱封闭,低压部分可根据用户需要设2-4回出线。 35kV级SZ9系列双绕组有载调压器与SZ8系列产品相比,性能更加*,*效果更好,因此被广泛应用于铁路及农村电网建设改造。

S9.S11 transformer and transformer tank, - for S9.S11M series transformer, S11-M series of transformers, the new S9 series three-phase oil-immersed transformers Shenyang Transformer Research Institute introduced new technology, no-load low load loss, anti-lightning impulse,short circuit capability, energy-saving effect is obvious, significant social and economic benefits, is the country ideal for both network reconstruction.S11-M Series fully sealed oil-immersed distribution transformers, with all oil-filled sealed t*e, no storage cabinet, transformer load due to changes in temperature and changes in oil volume, complete flexibility in the tank by the transformer to the mediation, the load loss30% lower than the S9, anti-lightning impulse short circuit capability, significantly more energy savings and reduce the appearance size of the transformer, is currently the new energy-saving products.STRU*URE 1. Box change the basic structure is divided into "eye" shape and "goods" shape."Eye" shaped structure of high-pressure chamber wide, able to ring or dual power supply connection schemes; "goods" shaped structure, a wide low-pressure chamber can be placed 5 to 6 sets of low-voltage cabinet, 6 to 12 back to cable outlet.According to user requirements, box-t*e variable can be set to operate within the corridor.2. Cabinet frames are made of channel steel and angle steel welded together with high mechanical strength.Tank shell material is 2mm thick aluminum alloy plate, with excellent corrosion resistance, by painting colored in harmony with the surrounding environment.3. Have good ventilation and insulation measures.Box with up and down around the ventilation duct, air duct also Jianzuo ribs, items covered in the sandwich box with 30 ~ 50mm thick in a new flame retardant insulation material layer can effectively prevent the sunradiation.In the transformer room is equipped with automatic control of the axial fan at the bottom of the door of the upper set "A" shaped ventilation window, which ensures a fully loaded transformer in the hot season run.4. Box outside the door, with rain and blockades, anti-rust, anti-theft locks dedicated, open the outer door can be positioned after the opening position.5. Outside the door frame to install a dedicated rubber moldings, box * with the rain around the eaves, the bottom of the cable into the outlet to install a tower-shaped rubber bands, can effectively prevent rain, dust prevention, anti-*all animals,ensure reliable operation of electrical equipment.6. Transformer room can be set to track and transformer car, transformer easy to install, replace.7. Box-t*e variable high-pressure part of the selection pressure vacuum switch or load switch ring counter, easy to operate and reliable.8. Transformer room is located two doors, open style of the door within the network, by galvanized metal mesh, mesh diameter = 8mm, to ensure the safety of inspection personnel.9. High pressure into the line of the program is divided into cable, overhead line into two, low-voltage cable outlet outlet generally.10. Box under the lifting by way of lifting a *ooth and reliable.11. Simple Box variable transformer part of the exposed, high and low pressure terminal closed, low-voltage part can be set according to user needs to return to qualify 2-4.35kV cl* SZ9 Series Double Winding OLTC compared with SZ8 products, performance is more advanced, energy saving and better, so it is widely used in railway and rural power grid construction and transformation.




电话: 0577-62768111




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