∟ 元器件成型/切脚/弯脚设备(5)∟ 其他设备(1)
品牌:鹏润 型号:PR-902A 形式:电动 电源电压:220(V) 送料形式:全自动 加工量:90(PCS/Min) 外形尺寸:L360*W320*H325(mm) 重量:26(kg)
◆外型类似之电子*件也适用 。
◆Most suitable for stick packed power transistors or similar components.
◆Exchange tooling set for various kind of forming.
◆The efficiency of manufacturing the in-stick components is high.
◆Drawer t*e tooling set to ensure exchange easily and swiftly.
◆Easy Operation and maintenance.
◆Forming speed adjustable continuously
◆Automatic feeding the loose components if equipped with vibrant bowl feeder.
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司