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MG传感器 MG SSI’s line of bulk micro-machined, gage and sealed gage di*al pressure gauges for both harsh and benign media with the *ior accuracy of &plu*n;0.25% t*ical represents a significant cost savings over currently available di*al gauges. These compact, robust gauges measure pressures from 15 Psi to 5,000 Psi and are well suited for a variety of industrial and commercial applications. SSI, a leading OEM supplier of automotive sensors…having delivered more than 120 million sensors to its customers, offers the MediaGauge?, targeted at industrial and commercial applications where cost, size, and performance are critical. Product Description SSI ’ s lin e o f bul k micro-machined , gag e an d seale d gag e di*a l pressur e gauge s fo r both harsh and benign media with the *ior accuracy of &plu*n; 0.25% t*ical represents a significant cost savings over currently available di*al gauges. These compact, robust gauges measure pressures from Psi to 5,000 Psi and are well suited for a variety of industrial and commercial applications. SSI, a leading OEM supplier of automotive sensors…having delivered more than 120 million sensors to its customers, offers the MediaGauge ?, targeted at industrial and commercial applications where cost, size, and performance are critical. T *ical Applications n Refrigeration n Compressors n Pumps n Flow n Hydraulics n Agriculture n Process Control n Hydrogen Storage n Spraying Systems n aste ater n Pneumatics n General Industrial MediaGauge ? with integrated signal conditioning Standard Full Scale Pressure Ranges n , , 75 , , 200 , 300 , , 750 , , 1500 , 2000 , 300 an d Psi n &plu*n; 0.25 % Accurac y (BFSL ) T y pical , Leas t Significan t Di* n 4-2 m outpu t (optional) n Hig h an d Lo w Limi t Se t Point s (optional) n Bac k Li t Display n Zer o Reset n Multipl e Pressur e Unit s (PSI , BAR , KpA) Special Features n Superb – &plu*n; 0.25% n Robust Package – All lase r -welded stainless steel design for optimal media isolation n Maximum Flexibility – Custom ASIC provides signal conditioning for calibration and temperature compensation of 0-50?C n Standard and custom options available n Compact size, excellent price/performance ratio n – V ol t inpu t wit h 4 – m outpu t (optional) T o place an orde r , or for custom orders or specifications not listed, call SSI toll-free at (888) 477-432 . Limited arranty Al l SS product s ar e warrante d agains t defectiv e material s an d workmanshi p fo r a perio d o f on e (1 ) yea r fro m th e dat e o f deliv e r y t o th e origina l purchase r . An y produc t tha t i s foun d t o b e defectiv e withi n th e on e yea r period wil l b e replace d o r repaire d a t th e discretio n o f SSI . THI S ARRANT Y S LIE U O AL OTHE ARRANTI* , EXPR* S O IMPLIED , O MERCHAN T ABILIT Y , FITN* S FO TICULA PURPOSE , PERFORMANCE, O OTHERWISE . SS i s no t a n exper t i n th e customer' s technica l fiel d an d therefor e doe s no t warran t th e suitabilit y o f it s pro d uct s fo r th e application s selecte d b y th e custome r . SS accept s n o responsibilit y fo r misuse, misapplicatio n o r unauthorize d modificatio n o f it s products . SSI' s obligatio n unde r thi s limite d warrant y i s strictl y an d excl u sivel y limite d t o th e repai r o r replacemen t fre e o f charg e o f suc h product s a s ar e t o b e foun d t o be defectiv e i n materia l o r workmanshi p o n th e conditio n tha t th e purchase r give s promp t writte n notic e t o SS o f an y clai m t o br e ac h o f warrant y withi n th e warrant y period , an d i f requested , return s th e defectiv e product(s ) t o SSI. SS wil l no t *um e an y expense s o r liabilit y fo r repair s mad e t o it s product s outsid e o f it s plan t withou t it s prio r writte n c onsent . SS rese r ve s th e righ t t o satisf y it s warrant y obligatio n i n full , wit h respec t t o defectiv e products, b y th e paymen t t o th e purchase r o f al l sum s pai d b y th e purchase r t o SS fo r suc h products . O EVEN T SHAL SS LIABL FO CLAIM S (BASE UPO BREAC O EXPR* S O IMPLIE ARRANT Y , NEGLIGENCE O OTHERWISE ) FO AN Y DAMAG* , WHETHE DIREC T , IMMEDI TE , INCIDEN T AL , FOR*EEABLE , CONSEQUENTIAL , O SPECIAL . SS rese r ve s th e righ t t o chang e it s specification s a t an y tim e withou t notice. Performance (all values at 22°C unless noted othe r wise) Output T *e ( T *ical)




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