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商品信息 更新时间:2013-05-21

6XV1847-2A SIMATIC NET FC FO 标准电缆(62.5/200/230),标准电缆,可剥离,UL 认证,*大长度:1000m,*小订购: 20m,按米销售 ------------------------------------------------ 上海启水自动化科技有限公司(SIEMENS 一级代理商) :田 杰(销售工程师) 手 机: 传 真: : E-mail:qq.com 公司网址:https://qi-shui.com 联系地址:上海市松江区弘翔路58号195幢 ------------------------------------------------ 适合在光纤工业以太网和 PROFIBUS 网络中使用的 FastConnect 标准光缆 适合想自己在现场的较长距离内安装和组装玻璃光缆的*用户使用,适用于办公和工业应用。 可在现场方便地进行 FastConnect SC/BFOC 连接器组装 结构坚固,可用于户内和户外的工业应用 *干扰性高,对电磁干扰不敏感 广泛认证(UL 认证) Benefits 由于可在现场将光缆组装到适宜长度,因此可避免使用过长的光缆。 由于无需安装连接器便可拉入电缆,所以可以轻松地将电缆安装在建筑物中 使用自组装接头电缆,可轻松地将采用不同连接方法(SC 或 BFOC)的设备相互连接。 工业以太网/PROFINET/PROFIBUS 设备的电气隔离 不受电磁干扰影响 *抽头保护: 没有来自电缆的辐射 Area of application SIMATIC NET FastConnect 玻璃光缆用于构建室内和室外光纤工业以太网/PROFINET 和 PROFIBUS 网络。例如,带有集成光纤接口(SC 或 BFOC 连接技术)的设备为光学链路模块 (OLM) 和 SCALANCE X 交换机。 FastConnect 玻璃光缆需在现场使用 FastConnect SC 或 FastConnect BFOC 连接器进行组装。为此,提供了相应的组装套件(FC FO 端接套件)。通过该端接套件,可对组装好的连接器中的光纤进行剥线和“劈裂”,就像处理我们已熟悉的 PCF 光缆那样。 Design FC FO 标准电缆 GP(通用); 坚固的圆形电缆,带绿色外护套、Kevlar 松紧件和 62.5/200/230 FC FO 光纤,适合室内/室外应用 FC FO 拖曳电缆 坚固的圆形电缆,带绿色外护套、Kevlar 松紧件和 62.5/200/230 FC FO 光纤,适合拖链和移动应用 两个设备间的*大电缆长度: 3000 m,用于 100 Mbit/s 以太网或 PROFIBUS 350 m,用于 1000 Mbit/s 以太网 (1000Base-SX) 550 m,用于 1000 Mbit/s 以太网 (1000Base-LX) *大长度电缆可使用 FastConnect 接头(SC 或 BFOC;*多 2 个接头,每个接头的衰减大约 2.5 dB)从较短的电缆来组装。也可将现有的已安装常规 62.5/125 μm 多模光缆与新型 FastConnect 光缆组合在一起。 Technical Specifications Order No. 6XV1 873-2A 6XV1 873-2B 6XV1 873-2G Product t*e description FO Standard Cable GP FO FRNC Cable FO Ground Cable Suitability for use Universal cable for installation indoors and outdoors Halogen-free cable for installation indoors and outdoors Waterproof cable (lengthwise and sideways) for use outdoors with non-metallic protection against rodents for laying into the ground. T*e of *embled fiber-optic cable Sold by the meter; pre-*embled with 4 BFOC or SC connectors Sold by the meter Sold by the meter; pre-*embled with 4 BFOC or SC connectors Designation of fiber-optic cable AT-W(ZN)* 2x1G50/125 AT-W(ZN)HH 2G50/125 UV AT-WQ(ZN)Y(ZN)B2Y 2G50/125 Electrical data Attenuation measurement per length at 850 nm 2.7 dB/km 2.7 dB/km 2.7 dB/km at 1300 nm 0.7 dB/km 0.7 dB/km 0.7 dB/km Bandwidth length product at 850 nm 600 Mhz*km 600 Mhz*km 600 Mhz*km at 1300 nm 1200 Mhz*km 1200 Mhz*km 1200 Mhz*km Mechanical data Number of fibers per fiber-optic cable 2 2 2 Design of optical fibers Multi-mode gradient fiber 50/125 μm Multi-mode gradient fiber 50/125 μm Multi-mode gradient fiber 50/125 μm Design of optical fiber core Hollow core, filled, diameter 1400 μm Hollow core, filled, diameter 1400 μm Hollow core, filled, diameter 1400 μm T*e of fiber-optic cable Segmentable Segmentable Segmentable Material of the FOC core sheath PVC FRNC PVC of the fiber-optic cable sheath PVC FRNC PE of the strain relief Aramid fibers Aramid fibers Aramid fibers Color of the FOC core sheath orange/black orange/black orange/black of the fiber-optic cable sheath green green black Outer diameter of the FOC core sheath 2.9 mm 2.9 mm 2.9 mm of the cable - 9.2 mm 10.5 mm Thickness of the cable 4.5 mm - - Width of the cable 7.4 mm - - Weight per length 40 kg/km 85 kg/km 90 kg/km Tensile load, max. 500 N 1200 N 800 N Lateral force per length 300 N/cm 500 N/cm 300 N/cm Bending radius for one-off bending 65 mm 90 mm 105 mm for repeated bending - 135 mm 155 mm Ambient temperature during installation -5 … +50 °C -5 … +50 °C -5 … +50 °C during operation -25 … +80 °C -40 … +70 °C -40 … +75 °C during storage -25 … +80 °C -40 … +70 °C -40 … +75 °C during transport -25 … +80 °C -40 ... +70 °C -40 … +75 °C Tran*ission link for 1000BaseLX 2000 m 2000 m 2000 m for 1000BaseSX 750 m 750 m 750 m Fire behavior Flame retardant acc. to IEC 60332-1 Flame retardant to IEC 60332-1 and IEC 60332-3 Category A/F - Chemical resistance to mineral oil conditional resistance conditional resistance resistant to grease conditional resistance conditional resistance resistant Radiological resistance to UV radiation Yes Yes Yes Product property halogen-free - Yes - impact-resistant - - - Silicone-free Yes Yes Yes Certificate of suitability UL Approval Yes/OFN (NEC Article 770, UL 1651) Yes/OFN (NEC Article 770, UL 1651) - CSA approval Yes/ OFN, 90ûC, FT1, FT4 (CSA-Standard C22.2 No232-M1988) Yes/ OFN, (CSA-Standard C22.2 No232) - Product component, rodent protection - - Yes Order No. 6XV1 873-2C 6XV1 873-2D Product t*e description FO Trailing Cable FO Trailing Cable GP Suitability for use Cable for use in cable carriers for high mechanical loading, PUR outer sheath, no UL approval Cable for use in cable carriers for low mechanical loading, PVC outer sheath, UL approval T*e of *embled fiber-optic cable Sold by the meter; pre-*embled with *FOC or SC connectors Sold by the meter; pre-*embled with *FOC or SC connectors Designation of fiber-optic cable AT-W(ZN)Y(ZN)11Y 2G50/125 AT-W(ZN)Y(ZN)Y 2G50/125 Electrical data Attenuation measurement per length at 850 nm 2.7 dB/km 2.7 dB/km at 1300 nm 0.7 dB/km 0.7 dB/km Bandwidth length product at 850 nm 600 Mhz*km 600 Mhz*km at 1300 nm 1200 Mhz*km 1200 Mhz*km Mechanical data Number of fibers per fiber-optic cable 2 2 Design of optical fibers Multi-mode gradient fiber 50/125 μm Multi-mode gradient fiber 50/125 μm Design of optical fiber core Hollow core, filled, diameter 1400 μm Hollow core, filled, diameter 1400 μm T*e of fiber-optic cable Segmentable Segmentable Material of the FOC core sheath PVC PVC of the fiber-optic cable sheath PUR PVC of the strain relief Aramid fibers Aramid fibers Color of the FOC core sheath orange/black orange/black of the fiber-optic cable sheath green green Outer diameter of the FOC core sheath 2.9 mm 2.9 mm of the cable 10.5 mm 10.5 mm Weight per length 90 kg/km 90 kg/km Tensile load, max. 800 N 800 N Lateral force per length 400 N/cm 400 N/cm Bending radius for one-off bending 200 mm 200 mm for repeated bending 200 mm 200 mm Number of bending cycles 5000000 3500000 Impact strength test Impact energy - - Number of impacts - - Hammer wheel diameter - - Ambient temperature during installation -5 … +50 °C -5 … +50 °C during operation -40 … +80 °C -25 … +80 °C during storage -40 … +80 °C -25 … +80 °C during transport -40 … +80 °C -25 … +80 °C Tran*ission link for 1000BaseLX 2000 m 2000 m for 1000BaseSX 750 m 750 m Fire behavior - Flame retardant acc. to IEC 60332-1 Chemical resistance to mineral oil resistant conditional resistance to grease resistant conditional resistance Radiological resistance to UV radiation Yes Yes Product property: silicone-free Yes Yes Certificate of suitability UL Approval - Yes/OFN(NEC Article 770, UL 1651) CSA approval - Yes/ OFN, 90ûC, FT1, FT4 (CSA-Standard C22.2 No232-M1988) Product component, rodent protection - -




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