电话: 0577-62659611
Application of a street lamp, explosion-proof floodlightrange
1. 1区、2区危险气体场所;
Zone 1.1, zone 2 dangerous places;
2. ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC类*性气体环境;有I型、II型、III型三种壳体适用装不同的功率规格
2 Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment; I t*e, II t*e, III t*e three shells with different specifications forpower
3. 石油钻井平台、油轮船舶;
3 oil drilling platform, oil tanker ship;
4. 户内、户外(IP65)。
4 indoor, outdoor (IP65).
two, BAT51 explosion-proof floodlight lamp product features
1. 灯体为铸铝合金制造,表面喷塑,外形美观,不锈钢外露紧固件;*护网罩采用镀锌,后表面喷塑,双重*腐
The 1 lamp body is aluminium alloy, surface spray,beautiful appearance, stainless steel exposed fasteners;protective screen made of galvanized, plastic sprayed surface after corrosion, double
2. 灯体水平旋转360°仰角范围在0~60°内可调;灯座位置可以根据光源的光心位置进行调节,*产品能够得到*佳的配光效果。
The 2 lamp body horizontal rotating 360 ° angle in the range of 0 ~ 60 ° adjustable; the lamp holder position can be adjusted according to the light source light position, to ensure that the products can get the * effect of light distributionThe
3. 照射范围内光照均匀、亮度高;灯具内可按要求加装补偿电容,补偿后c0s>0.90。
3 irradiation range illumination uniformity, high brightness;the lamp by adding compensation capacitor,compensated c0s>0.90.
4. 有较强的*水性能,可用于石油平台及油轮船舶等场所;
4 there is a strong waterproof performance, can be used for oil drilling platform, oil tanker ship etc.;
5. 电缆布线,灯光源腔侧壁设有维修盖,方便更换光源。一、*爆泛光灯路灯适用范围:
5 cable wiring, the light source cavity is arranged on the side wall repair cover, easy to replace the light source.Application of a street lamp, explosion-proof floodlightrange:
1. 1区、2区危险气体场所;
Zone 1.1, zone 2 dangerous places;
2. ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC类*性气体环境;有I型、II型、III型三种壳体适用装不同的功率规格
2 Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment; I t*e, II t*e, III t*e three shells with different 2 Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment; I t*e, II t*e, III t*e three shells with different 2 Ⅱ A, Ⅱ B, Ⅱ C explosive gas environment; I t*e, II t*e, III t*e three shells with different
3. 石油钻井平台、油轮船舶;
3 oil drilling platform, oil tanker ship;
4. 户内、户外(IP65)。
4 indoor, outdoor (IP65).
1. 灯体为铸铝合金制造,表面喷塑,外形美观,不锈钢外露紧固件;*护网罩采用镀锌,后表面喷塑,双重*腐
2. 灯体水平旋转360°仰角范围在0~60°内可调;灯座位置可以根据光源的光心位置进行调节,*产品能够得到*佳的配光效果。
3. 照射范围内光照均匀、亮度高;灯具内可按要求加装补偿电容,补偿后c0s>0.90。
4. 有较强的*水性能,可用于石油平台及油轮船舶等场所;
5. 电缆布线,灯光源腔侧壁设有维修盖,方便更换光源。
柯铭*爆明-LED照明亮化灯具知名品牌 提醒:LED灯具关键是解决光衰,*水,光效华业照明继续为客户提供质量稳定优质的LED灯具产品 中山市华业照明技术有限公司:*生产*大功率LED洗墙灯/LED投光灯/LED路灯/LED隧道灯/LED护栏管/LED点光源/LED埋地灯/大功率LED水底灯/
摘要:又一件性侵案爆入耳膜。尽管窗外高温40.6°C,我仍然一阵寒战…… 又一件性侵案爆入耳膜。尽管窗外高温40.6°C,我仍然一阵寒战……
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司