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HP8923B现货出售综合测试仪HP8923B HP-8923B宏鑫电子仪器 宏鑫电子仪器有限公司 经 理:曾林 :雷小亮手 机:Q Q:E-mial:@qq.com网址:http://www.linxin118.cn地址:东莞市塘厦镇莆心湖塘莆西路7号 型号:HP8923B产品说明:The Agilent 8923B DE* test set is an integrated, one-box test solution for Di*al Enhanced Cordless ecommunications. The test set provides the functionality and the measurement speed required to meet the needs of high through put testing, essential in DE* production. In R&D applications it provides the measurement accuracy and traceability required to ensure a very high level of confidence during portable parts or fixed parts design. 特性Test RF modules or fully *embled DE* PPs (Portable Parts) and FPs (Fixed Parts) Fast, accurate, repeatable measurements Easy to use Measurements: Bit Error Ratio, Word Error Ratio, Carrier Power, Power versus Time, Centre Frequency Accuracy, Frequency Deviation, Frequency Drift, Timing Jitter, A

