∟ 直流稳压电源(2)∟ 可编程(数控、智能)电源(1)∟ 其他类型电源(2)
特点及优点:可量测阻*范围 0.1MΩ~200GΩ大型 4 位数7段 LED 显示器内建PLC Remote可程序遥控界面数字式设计,操作简易量测速度快,准确度高 性能参数:Model8205 8210INSULATION R*ISTANCE RangeResolutionAccuracyOutput Voltage, DCV30 – 10001&plu*n; (1% of setting 1 V)Output Regulation DCV&plu*n; (1% of output 1 V) from no load to full loadOutput Ripple< 2 %DischargeAutomatic Discharge of Device Under TestIndicator : Green < 30 V, Red > 30 VSETTINGSLow-Limit Resistance, MΩ0.1 – 999.90.1Same as Resistance Measurement1000 – 9999110.0 GΩ– 50.0 GΩ for MODEL 82050.1 GΩDelay Time, second1 - 999.90.1&plu*n;(0.1% 0.05 sec)Dwell Time, second0, 0.1 – 999.9
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司