品牌:GTVAC 型号:JPT 应用范围:其他
JPT型同轴继电器 本继电器是一种同轴开关元件,具*械运动位置小,动作时间快、使用直流电压控制转换,适用于遥控等特点,可供各种微波传输系统,微波测量系统作射频信号及微波能量切换之用。 Being a kind of coaxial switching components,coaxial relays offer a number of advantages,such as small in mechanlcal movement,qulck in operating time,switch-controlling with DC voltage,sultable for remote controlling and so on..They can be used in switching RF slgnals and microwave energy in various sorts of the microwave transfer and measurement systems.
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司