∟ 聚丙烯(CBB)电容(2)∟ 其他电容(7)
品牌:国产 型号:CL21 介质材料:*薄膜 应用范围:耦合 外形:方块状 功率特性:大功率 频率特性:高频 调节方式:固定 引线类型:同向引出线 允许偏差:&plu*n;5(%) 耐压值:1000(V) 标称容量:.01~10 μF 损耗:1.%Max at 1KHz,25℃ 额定电压:100V,250V,400V,630VDC(V) 额定电流:0.2(A)
MEFare noon-inductively wound with metallized polyester film as the dielectric/electode with copper-clad stee leads and epoxy resin coating ,they are suitable for blocking,coupling decoupling filtering, by-p* and timing circuits,they find application in telecommunication,
date processing, industrial instruments.and system epuipments.
OperatingTemperature 工作温度:-40℃~+85℃
Capacitance Range 容量范围:.01~10 μF
Capacitance tolerance 容量公差:&plu*n;5%(J) &plu*n;10(K) &plu*n;20(M)
Voltage proof 耐电压:1.6UR(2S)
Work Voltage 工作电压:100V,250V,400V,630VDC
Dissipation Factor 损耗因素:1.%Max at 1KHz,25℃
友情链接: 深圳市元东发电子有限公司