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漏电保护器*银触点 银触头 银点

漏电保护器*银触点 银触头 银点
漏电保护器*银触点 银触头 银点
商品信息 更新时间:2011-11-09

型号:*型 规格尺寸:按客户图纸要求(mm) 材质:银镍 银氧化镉 银氧化锡 特性:电阻小 寿命10万次 用途:漏电保护器


  1. 铆钉触头有钉头复合和两端复层两种形式,复层材料可选银,金,钯,铂及其合金材料,基本一般为塑性和导电性较好的纯铜,贵金属材料*复合在触头电接触的*要位置上,因而*地节约了贵金属,降低触头成本,实现社会的可持续发展。
  2. 工作层材料比整体贵金属铆钉选材灵*更大,因为贵金属合金材料尽管具有优异的电接触性能,但由于铆合工艺性差而不适合制作整体铆钉触头,而铆钉触头则可扬长避短。
  3. 铆钉触头适用于铆合加工的连续自动化生产,铆合加工后不需要其他加工工艺(如电镀,焊接等),这样不但简化了触头*件的制造工艺,*生产效率和降*,而且*了元件的组装精度和*性。
  4. 铆钉触头主要应用于汽车电器,家用电器,继电器,接触器,温控器,定时器以及电子电器中。

Features rivets silver contact:
1. Compound nail head rivet contact and ends with two forms of multiple layers, multiple layer materials, optional silver, gold, palladium, platinum and its alloy materials, basic plastic and generally better conductivity of copper, precious metals only compound the necessary electrical contact in the contact position, thus effectively saving the precious metal, reducing contact costs, achieve sustainable development of society.
2. Working-level precious metal rivets than the overall selection of materials more flexible, because despite the noble metal alloy material has excellent electrical contact properties, but the riveting process and not suitable for the production of poor overall rivet contacts, while the rivet contacts can avoid weaknesses.
3. Rivet riveting contact for the continuous automated production process, after the riveting process does not require additional processing (such as electroplating, welding, etc.), so as to simplify the contact part of the manufacturing process, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, but also improves the accuracy and reliability of the *embly components.
4. Rivet contact is mainly used in automotive electronics, household appliances, relays, contactors, thermostats, timers and electronic appliances.




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