供应IG-500N GPS辅助型组合导航系统

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GPS aided Orientation Sensor GPS辅助型组合导航系统 The IG-500N is the world *allest GPS enhanced Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS). With its embedded Extended Kalman Filter, the IG-500N delivers unmatched precision for attitude and position measurements in very high dynamic conditions. IG-500N是世界上的带有GPS辅助定位的姿态航向参考系统系统(AHRS)。IG-500N拥有嵌入式的扩展卡尔曼滤波器,使其在*动态条件下能够提供*的姿态和方位测量。 All in one: the IG-500N 集成*功能于一体:IG-500N The IG-500N includes a MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), a GPS receiver and a pressure sensor. It provides precise drift-free attitude and position, even in long time turns. IG-500N由基于微机电系统(MEMS)的惯性测量单元(IMU)、GPS接收器和压力传感器组成。它能够在长时间内提供的无漂移的姿态信息和位置信息。 This miniature Inertial Navigation System (INS) runs a real time, on board, Extended Kalman Filter that computes orientation, position and velocity data at high update

